Schools and colleges of pharmacy in the United States have struggled over the past several decades with identifying a consistent title for the broad body of knowledge related to the social, economic, behavioral, and administrative aspects of pharmacy. This paper examines the educational background and professional experience of those teaching Economic, Social, Administrative Pharmacy (ESAP) content in the United States, to identify the type, frequency, and extent to which ESAP courses are taught in United State's schools and colleges of pharmacy curricula, and to investigate the perceived importance of ESAP content among ESAP faculty. The data was collected by using a 23-item questionnaire was sent via email to 225 ESAP pharmacy faculties in the United States. 96 were returned completed for a 48 percent response rate. Most respondents are not housed in a standalone ESAP department, but would like to be. Both the educational backgrounds of ESAP faculty and the content taught within the discipline vary greatly. This may be because the content within the ESAP discipline is extremely broad. In addition, the diversification in content may be a result of both the diversity of instructor's educational backgrounds and the lack of a generally approved definition for the ESAP field.